Typo Or Not I type a lot of emails during my work day. Some go to external customers and some internal. Some I originate and many others are replies. ...
Prepared? The notification came by text. Texts have become a standard form of communication for good, bad or any type of news. This was bad news. The...
#followme In today’s advanced world of technology one can follow just about anything imaginable – food networks, best deals, management...
A Good Question Have you ever used the statement, “That’s a good question.” to buy time? Whether I am giving a presentation or in a...
Ms Jesus Recently my husband and I were able to get away for a weekend and visit a lovely city in Georgia. We saw and learned about many historic...
Clouds There was a large pasture that I often played in long ago. I think about it when I reminisce about my growing up years. The pasture had...
The Evening News I have started a new ritual. It’s debatable as to whether or not it is a good one but for now I am staying the course. When I was growing...
No Man I have a very distinct memory of a conversation I had many years ago. One afternoon in junior high, our science teacher had stepped out of...
Fear or Focus My husband and I live with a little black pup. He’s a mixed breed rescue that looks like a small black lab. He only weighs 40 pounds....