Live A Life Of Listening Prayer
Worship is listening and responding to the glory of Jesus; it’s declaring that Jesus is worth more to you than the world. Prayer is an important part of worship; it is the heartbeat of a Given Life! When we give our life to God, our faith-filled prayers are our lifeline to God. Belief is key to praying; we must believe God loves us and that he hears our prayers. And then we must listen. It is in the listening that we will know what God wants us to do next. Jesus spent his last night on Earth in prayer. Overwhelmed, knowing what the night held for him, Jesus prayed three times. Each time he petitioned God to change the plan yet ultimately telling God, “…your will be done.” We can learn from that prayer. Prayer is more than just talking to or sharing our thoughts with God. As believers we reveal our hearts when we have a desire to connect with him in prayer. Prayer is a living journey through life with God; it’s a back-and-forth relationship with the one true living God. Pray to discover and do the will of God in the world because nothing is worth more than his Kingdom.