Thank You For Using Me I like to learn new things… things I know nothing about at all. One day while “playing” on the internet and strictly for fun, I...
Let’s Go Fishing 2020. Wow! Wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, locusts, dust storms, riots, protests, Ebola, murder hornets, hurricanes, tsunamis,...
Chaos Confusion & Christ It’s everywhere and getting worse. If you are watching or reading the news, you might think I am talking about Covid 19. The answer is...
Not As Easy As It Looks I don’t know about you, but there are many times that I watch someone doing something and I think, “I can do that.” They make it look...
Adopting Kingdom Values Pastor John’s* recent teaching encourages us to adopt “the values of the kingdom.” But what exactly does this mean? In summary, it...
Keep Coming Back Normally this particular meeting takes place in a church basement with participants seated on folding chairs, drinking coffee and eating...
Seeking the Invisible Fish When I was younger and double-stuffed with pride, I was convinced I was super smart…I knew everything. By age ten, I had seen everything...
In God’s Timing TIMING…. isn’t this what we all seem to be consumed with today. It is all about schedules, meetings, meeting deadlines and the list...
Who Does God Say I Am? Throughout this COVID-19 season, much like other seasons, I have been bombarded by thoughts of inadequacy throughout my personal,...