Who Does God Say I Am?

Carlos Thompson   -  

Throughout this COVID-19 season, much like other seasons, I have been bombarded by thoughts of inadequacy throughout my personal, professional and spiritual lives. If I could grab a quick reference from scripture, it feels like Peter stepping out of the boat with his eyes fixed on Jesus, but then he looks down, takes his eyes away from love and life and safety, and instead is reminded in a way of how inadequate he is on his own.

As a kid I was bombarded with similar messages of not measuring up, not being good enough. I had aspirations of becoming a pilot and doctor, however, I did not pursue those careers.

After giving my life to Christ when I was in my early teens, I struggled with how to answer God’s call on my life and pursue it, speak with my classmates and witness to others. I was again confronted with feelings of inadequacy because I was accused of lying about sharing the gospel to other kids by those in authority over me. I could not reconcile serving and being chastised for serving as I lived in household of faith. Eventually I left, and it would be more than 16 years before I could find myself setting foot in a house of worship again.

As an adult, I recognize that God allows us to go through trials and tribulations to make us stronger. These trials can come from sources close to you. They only serve to make you better. When pressure is applied to coal, it turns it into a diamond, much in the same way I think God wants us to face pressure so we can shine.

This past week especially, I’ve been thinking about in what way the joy of the Lord is our strength as found at the end of Nehemiah 8:10 where is says, “Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” and how and what things we need to do to make God happy. If God is happy, we are strong.

When confronted with feelings of inadequacy, I mentally come back with the joy of the Lord is my strength. I also think about how I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me as found in Philippians 4:13: “I can do all this through Him who give me strength.” I can reject those thoughts by knowing that the only thing that matters in heaven or earth is who does God think I am.

I urge us all to step out of the boats in our lives, face the storms that rage around us, reject our feelings of inadequacy, take the hand of our Savior and go to work for God! As Pastor Drew mentioned this Sunday, God has equipped us with everything we need to do His work. Take up your cross and follow Him. Let us truly be fishers of men. CT