The Vase Aliyah was ten years old with a with a large, extended family. At every holiday or family life event like a marriage, birth or death, the...
A No Bull Story This is a true story. It was July 2019, and as was conducted annually, Pamplona, Spain had its “Running of the Bulls”. Now if you’re...
Giving Back “When you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret; and your...
Spiritual Growth & Renewal If you’re anything like me and listen to The Church at Severn Run’s messages, you have heard Pastor John Smith and Bonni Mace and their...
Thank You For Using Me I like to learn new things… things I know nothing about at all. One day while “playing” on the internet and strictly for fun, I...
Adopting Kingdom Values Pastor John’s* recent teaching encourages us to adopt “the values of the kingdom.” But what exactly does this mean? In summary, it...
Seeking the Invisible Fish When I was younger and double-stuffed with pride, I was convinced I was super smart…I knew everything. By age ten, I had seen everything...
God’s Harvesters Are You One of the Lord’s Harvesters?God has many titles, but one of special interest is ‘Lord of the Harvest:’ “Therefore, beseech...
Awaken Your Sleeping Faith Oftentimes when I’m preparing a blog, I have a definitive concept solidly in mind and “start writing it” in my head days before I...