I Am Afraid I admit it. I have fears. Unreasonable, illogical, unnecessary fears. I wish I didn’t. I want to be “that person”, “that...
Inspired to be All In All in. Don’t we love to say as Americans we are all in? Ask us about our marriage, our jobs, our sports teams, our children, our...
Inspired to Trust It was a typical busy day at work. To my dismay and surprise a meeting invite popped up late afternoon for a conference call with my...
God Sightings The front door is open. Those attending rehearsal know to come in and head up the stairs. The living room is filled with a circle of chairs...
Overcoming a Bad Church Experience I peered down the bustling hallway that ran next to the Children’s Ministries large group room. The hallway activity included children,...
Finally Stepping into the Water If you look in my jewelry armoire you will find a several cross necklaces. Within that grouping, the crosses vary in size and shape....
Your God-Given Identity This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 2 Corinthians 5:17 You...
Quiet Time 101 Quiet? What’s that? The kids are fighting, the TV is blaring, the cell phone is pinging and the washer is running. Down the block a fire...
What the Bible Says about Worship Seems as though there would be more to worship than singing on Sunday, saying an occasional prayer, or owning and reading a Bible. What do...