The A Team I loved being on the A Team. I started playing basketball at a very young age on a cement slab outside our garage. The hoop was store...
Diverting I love Snoopy. I have been fond of Snoopy since I was a small child. After all he’s adorable! It helped that I was a dog lover from a...
Christianity Ain’t Political, Or Is It? Some great Christian somewhere once said, “The only way to change society is personal salvation; political involvement is a waste of...
Why Water? There are many perspectives when it comes to water. Some people love it. They love to look at it, play in it and will spend time on it at...
My Own Understanding Am I living in my own understanding or am I living on God’s heart? This question from a recent Sunday morning sermon jolted me as I...
Rejoice? Really? I am not a morning person. If you know me at all or even a little, it is likely you are aware of this. So the idea of rejoicing in the new...
Did She Know? I have been thinking about Mary a lot recently. As the mother of Jesus, Mary’s life was unique and unusual. I am also thinking it was...
Chaos Confusion & Christ It’s everywhere and getting worse. If you are watching or reading the news, you might think I am talking about Covid 19. The answer is...
Keep Coming Back Normally this particular meeting takes place in a church basement with participants seated on folding chairs, drinking coffee and eating...