Transformation Center
The Transformation Center’s vision is to come alongside people, with a Christ-centered approach, to help them overcome poverty, addiction, poor education, unemployment, and social injustice.
About The Transformation Center
Located in Brooklyn Park, Maryland, The Transformation Center is strategically located to serve five of the most forgotten communities in the Baltimore area. They embody the idea of Wholistic Missions through their various ministries and ability to love well, live Jesus, and believe big in tangible ways. To be a part of the many ministries offered through the Transformation Center, visit their website.

Saucy Sunday
First Sunday Of Each Month
We have partnered with our friends at The Transformation Center to provide the Lilies Place pantry with 500 pasta items every month. Any pasta item counts, but the most helpful items are sauces with meat, pasta meals in a can (e.g., Chef Boyardee, Spaghetti-Os, etc), or any pasta sauce. If you buy your items at the store, you can drop your items at the Missions Area in the Atrium the first Sunday of each month. If you have questions, contact Vicki Delair.
Try out this saucy life-hack! Set up a reoccurring online order of sauce to ship straight to The Church at Severn Run (8187 Telegraph Road, Severn, MD 21144) at the beginning of each month.
Get Involved at The Transformation Center
3701 4th St, Brooklyn, MD 21225
Lilies Place is the food and clothing distribution center opened every Saturday from 9-11 am. Guests are welcomed in the store-like facility where they can pick items of their liking. There is a huge emphasis placed on promoting value and dignity to each person that walks through the doors. When guests leave, they walk out with a 3-4 day supply of fresh produce, meats, bread, dairy, canned goods, desserts, clothing, and the hope of Jesus Christ!
Beautiful Feet outreaches to the homeless population on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. Our hope is to share the love and hope of Jesus Christ to those experiencing homelessness through a hot meal, shower, clothing, haircut, and fellowship. “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news, proclaim peace, bring glad tidings of good things, proclaim salvation, and proclaim to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’ ” Isaiah 52:7
The purpose of Celebrate Recovery is to provide fellowship and celebrate God’s healing power in our lives through eight recovery principles and the Christ-centered 12 steps. By working the steps and applying their Biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually. We become free from our addictive, compulsive, and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy, and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God. Celebrate Recovery meets every Tuesday at 7 PM.
LifeNeeds is the mental health and social work practice that strives to be the hands and feet of Christ. We believe that our community deserves accessibility to mental health services. Our caring therapist works alongside you to help break down barriers, obstacles and difficulties to work towards a positive emotional health of the heart. There is no appointment necessary to talk with one of our therapists. Our clinicians and staff are here every Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am-2 pm.
Transformation works is our job readiness program that aims to help those unemployed, under employed, and unemployable become gainfully employed. We believe that God has a “plan, purpose, hope and future” for everyone and gaining employment is one way that we can discover God’s purpose for our life. Transformation Works is a combination of group discussion and real world support in order to gain knowledge and experience in work skills.
Adult Open Gym every Wednesday Night from 6-8pm. This is a time to open the gym to our community and form relationships while playing basketball. We would love any Severn Runners who love to play basketball to come out and join us!
Harvest of Hope is the annual Thanksgiving Basket Giveaway. Each year this event helps provide over 400 families with a Thanksgiving meal! Each family receives a turkey, seven easy to prepare sides, and a pumpkin pie. This is a fun event for the whole family as we are joined by Ravens players, local organizations, and key community leaders.
The annual Christmas Toy Shop provides families during the Holiday season with brand new toys for children of all ages. Each year we collect and receive over 4,000 toys that are distributed back into the community to families in need. Our shop is set up like a store where parents are welcomed in to shop for their children and family!