Fall Retreat

November 3 - 5, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm 2023  |  Skycroft

Skycroft Conference Center, Frostown Road, Middletown, MD, USA

The Student Ministry Fall Retreat is a two night event for all middle school and high school students. We will be traveling to Skycroft Camp (Middletown, MD) on Friday, November 3rd at 3:30 and returning on Sunday, November 5th at 5pm. The heart and goal of our retreat is to grow in our connection and faith. Students will get to experience live worship, Bible study, outdoor adventures, bazooka ball, confidence course and more. The cost is $150 per student, which covers all travel, lodging, food, and supplies. Students will be sent more information and packing lists after they have registered. Registration will open in September and close in October. There may be limited spots so don’t wait to sign up and be part of this awesome adventure