You’re Invited to Kindness
The Church at Severn Run   -  

The body of Christ, just as each of our bodies, needs every part to function independently for it to function properly as a whole. When even one part isn’t working right, the rest of the body suffers. As the Church, the living body of Jesus, we each bear unique gifts and abilities. When we aren’t contributing those gifts to the body as a whole, be it doubt or indifference, then the influence of Jesus in our communities lessens. We have all been gifted by God, and he has qualified us to be his influence in the world. We have been given the grace to do it so that even if we temporarily fail, we can heal and recover. But, we all have to make the conscious choice to fulfill our gifting and support the rest of our fellow believers who are the Church, the body of Christ. Trust that you are enough and let him build you a future full of new beginnings.