The Glory Beyond Our Fears
The Church at Severn Run   -  

Satan uses fear to block the glory of God. There is glory beyond our fears when we trust, believe and have faith in Jesus. We can either choose fear and failure or faith and glory. Glory is defined as a growing perception of the infinite goodness and love of the absolute power and majesty of God. Getting to glory requires us to face our fears and run toward them. We can then begin comparing our stories with what we see in the Bible. We see these fear to glory stories through out the Bible – Mary and the birth of Jesus (Luke 1:46-55); Zachariah and the naming of John the Baptist (Luke 1:76-79); the men and the fiery furnace (Daniel 3:16-18); and Moses and the parting of the Red Sea (Exodus 14:13-14). You too can believe there is God’s glory behind your fears because no word of God will ever fail (Luke 1:37). Choose to believe the better story.