If Love Has Come In, Love Goes Out
How do we really know God loves us? He showed us when Jesus died on the cross. That was the first incarnation—when Jesus came to Earth to dwell among us and become the sacrifice for our sins. The people he interacted with believed in him because they saw and heard him. Now Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit to fill every believer—this is the second incarnation. If this love has come into your life, it must also go out to others. When we selflessly share our lives with those in need, paying attention to the Spirit’s leading on whom to help, we are allowing the world around us to see and hear Jesus in a very real way. And as they did in his time, people will come to believe when they see Jesus in our lives. This is integral missions. You can be a missionary every day by allowing the love of Jesus to pour out of you towards everyone with whom you come into contact.