Commit To Live Against Racism
Changing the conversation of racism is not passive. We must be active, stepping ac from the rhetoric and listening to one another with open hearts. Racism is personal. And it’s about relationship; with one another and most of all with Jesus. God never intended us to be alone or lost. But he did show us what is good. Jesus is that good. The reason he appeared was to destroy the devil’s work as the atoning sacrifice for all the world. Through Jesus we can become the hope of God to the world. We are the revelation of Jesus in this broken world. If this is true for you, if you know Christ, then you can’t sit on the sidelines of a Hell-bound world! We are called to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. If we do those things, there is no room for judging others. Are you going to sit in your own narrative, or are you going to be the change the world needs to see? Will you be silent in the face of sin, or will you mist to live against racism?