Belittling Jesus
In a world where we have so many shortcuts and hacks to make living easier, it’s easy to apply those shortcuts to our faith. But in matters of faith, trying to take shortcuts belittles Jesus. There will always be an energy in us that downplays Jesus—his name will always be offensive to a self-worshipping world. Because the name of Jesus is the key to life, all of hell is working to erase his value and blind us to the power and glory of God. We are pressured to not speak Jesus first and to downplay his relevance to salvation. When you let the name of Jesus be the real energy of your life, your life will have more meaning. The smaller Jesus is to you, the smaller your life will be. The bigger Jesus is to you, the bigger your life will be. Stop letting earth-bound reason be the compass of your life and let Jesus be at the forefront of everything you do.