After Your Child’s Dedication :: Tips on Raising Christian Kids

The Church at Severn Run   -  

After your child has been dedicated (like we do at our church periodically), you might be thinking about your next steps and guiding them until they meet the age when they are ready to commit their lives to Christ and be baptized.

We’ll talk about what to do, things to look out for and just have fun, enjoy your little one confident in the knowledge that the Creator of the universe is watching over him or her every hour of every day.

Parental Unit Roles

In Proverbs 22:6, the Bible tells us to, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” As parents who follow Christ, we should ensure that as our children grow, we provide them a great example as we follow Christ. Every day they should see more of God and less of us. Children tend to copy behavior they see and are exposed to the most and that typically starts at home. Let us know as we have been entrusted with their care, that we are leading them in the way God wants us to.

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

As a new dad, I did not know what to expect. I am the eldest of 6 and had minor roles in looking after my siblings but was never responsible for someone’s well-being 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. My tendency was to worry about everything, what my new daughter would eat, what she would wear, what school she would go to.

In Matthew 6:34, we are told to not worry about tomorrow – so don’t. In Philippians 4:6 we are also told to not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. God’s got this, he took care of you and he will take care of your child. I’m sure some of our guardian angels look pretty shook up after some of the scrapes we came through and we have to give thanks for them – they deserve hazard pay. J

In a recent Luvs commercial, a mom constantly fusses over her first child, breaking out the hand sanitizer at a moment’s notice. When the second child comes along, she is a lot less fussy and even hands off the second child to an auto mechanic while she signs a check.

You may not be handing your young child over to a mechanic anytime soon, but trust God as you go through your daily routine that he will look after your little one.

Breaking all da Rules

Kids break rules, they push boundaries, they try to see how far they can go. This is a natural fact of life. Be aware of it, be ready for it and have a plan to correct it. Every parent goes through the same situation.

When we step off the path that leads to eternal life, God corrects us, because he loves us. As our children grow, they will develop their own personas and identities and challenge your authority, even break the rules that you set. In Proverbs 3:12, we are told that, “…the LORD reproves him whom he loves…” We love our children, so we must correct them. We provide great examples, set boundaries, and have to correct them once rules are broken.

It Can Take a Village

You have chosen godparents for your child, and you want to ensure that you stay on the same page as far as raising your child in a Christian home. Be sure they know what is expected and encourage them to do the following:

  1. Pray for their godchild regularly
  2. Set an example of a Christian life
  3. Help him/her to grow in the faith of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  4. Encourage them to follow Christ and to encourage others. 

Everything’s Gonna be Alright

Somewhere between all the 3 a.m. feedings, nightly changes, nannies, daycare, after school sports, doctor visits and years and years of education, they will turn out ok. God has a plan for you and he has a plan for your child. Seek his will in everything and watch him work.