Would You Pray If… Would you pray if everything in your life were going just as you planned? I often wonder if I would, and to be honest, I’m not sure that...
Jack of All Trades Sometimes I have questions, occasionally for God. I was recently scrolling through the Notes app on my phone and noticed one note titled...
Nine Times to Hear “For the Lord, your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With His love, He will...
That Still Small Voice Early on the morning of August 3rd, 2022, around 2am, I heard this small voice telling me not to take the trip I had scheduled later that...
Typo Or Not I type a lot of emails during my work day. Some go to external customers and some internal. Some I originate and many others are replies. ...
“Yes” on the Table The Speak Up conference I recently attended was phenomenal. As I was driving home, I was thinking about the extraordinary things I had...
Prepared? The notification came by text. Texts have become a standard form of communication for good, bad or any type of news. This was bad news. The...
All Praise All Day With all that’s going on in our world today it’s so easy to forget that the world is not on our shoulders but God’s. I have been...
A New Thing What season are you in? Dreaming Dancing Embracing change Sitting Stewing Longing for the “old days” I for one want to be dreaming and...