Finally Found

Janelle Webber   -  

Panic. Fear. Failure. These were some of the words that described how I felt. A few years ago, I had what appeared on the surface to be a catastrophic event.

At the time it was a finger print that opened my cell phone which I used for both work and for personal purposes. I was highly dependent upon the phone for many reasons.

On this particular day, I had left work early to travel by plane to visit relatives. I was a new manager at my work and didn’t have a solid staff on board yet. All was going well for the departing flight until it happened. I picked up my phone to check emails from work.

I pressed the finger print recognition button and found I was being asked to key in the password. This was a standard security feature. However, it had been quite some time since I’d been tested. I paused and stared at the phone…what in the world was my password? I could’t remember the last time I’d used it and my mind was a blank.

I tried all the usual suspects. Nothing worked. Ten tries and then I’d be locked out from trying. My stomach was in knots and I could feel the tears about to be produced. After the tenth try a notification appeared that I could try again in 15 minute.  The tears broke loose. I sobbed and lamented to those traveling with me. What was I going to do? I had let so many people down. I was certain work would be devastated by my failure. In addition, I couldn’t communicate my family regarding the travel situation and arrival pick up.

After a few more tries, the phone locked again. This time for 30 minutes. This continued as the gap time got longer until the final notification was received. The phone would be wiped with another failed attempt. I was mortified. Why did I let this happen? Teary eyed, I berated myself the entire flight.

Upon arriving at my destination, with the help of some savvy assistants, I quickly learned that since the entire phone was backed up on the cloud, it could be easily restored. A short time later, all was well. I had clearly overreacted and I was embarrassed by my behavior.

Since then I have worked at developing peace. It was my “word” for 2024. On an intellectual level I knew that peace has been promised by Jesus as He laid it out clearly in John 14:27:

“‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.’”

Even so it was difficult for me to be peaceful especially in stressful situations. Overtime, I finally made the connection that the peace being offered could only be obtained if I trusted God. Instead of berating myself when challenging situations caught me off guard, I intentionally applied what I called the Four Rs:

  • Retreat
  • Relax
  • Reflect
  • Respond

These steps allow me to gather my thoughts, breath deeply, call on Jesus, and THEN take action. I posted reminder notes laying out these “R” words so I’d not forget my plan. Overtime, my responses became more methodical and tempered…even peaceful. I proactively trusted that Jesus would walk with me and work out whatever situation I faced.

The Apostle Paul talked about trust in Romans 15:13. In fact, he directly correlated trust to peace:

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Recently I purchased a new laptop computer. I loved it and as I worked on it at the store setting up it’s password, I choose a password I had never used before. It was a combination such that I was sure I would not forget it.

Over the next few days I typed that password into the system again and again. I was confident it was imbedded in my brain so I neglected to note it anywhere. Shortly thereafter I took my laptop with me when I went on vacation. Over the next few days I had no reason to get on it and it remained in my backpack for a few days.

Shortly before heading back to the airport to fly home, I needed my computer to check a document. I pulled it out and stared at it. My mind was blank. I realized I forgotten the password. I tried a few “standard” passwords but quickly determined that would not work and the recollection of the password continued to fail me.

I knew most of the data was on the cloud. However there were several things I had set up that I also knew would not be restored.

  • Retreat
  • Relax
  • Reflect
  • Respond

I calmly put the laptop back in it’s storage location mentioning to my husband that I had forgotten the password. My husband is always so kind and he immediately asked, “How can I help?” Unfortunately he couldn’t, it was all me.

I decided I would not mention this to anyone else to avoid creating stress as I knew my family would have a “solution”.  Instead, I decided to trust that God would help me figure this out. I was able to put the situation in the back of my mind.

While having a few minutes on the drive to the airport, I took the opportunity to research a solution. I read there were several options to reset the password and solve the problem. Sighing, I turned the screen off on my phone, it hit me. Of course, that’s it!! I had randomly remembered the password.

Later at the gate, I tested the password that I had recalled and sure enough it worked. I again sighed in relief thanking God for walking me through this situation. There had been minimal stress for me and no stress for the people around me!

We’ve all heard to “let go and let God”. We often assign that phase to the big issues of life, but God wants us to trust Him in all things and in all situations.

What’s been happening in your life that is causing anxiety? Is it as small thing or a major issue?

  • Retreat
  • Relax
  • Reflect
  • Respond

Consider trusting God and turning it over to Him. He has promised He will give peace and walk along side each of us through life’s challenges.