Deep Down

Janelle Webber   -  

It has been quite a week. The headlines included a helicopter colliding with an airplane that was the worst plane crash our country has seen in many years. There were 67 lives that ended abruptly. We also watched the deadly fires of California destroy and kill. Not seen in the headlines are the stories of other incidents throughout the country that ended the lives of individuals for various reasons.

As I reflect on these losses, I think mostly of those friends and family left behind to cope with these life altering events. I just never know when anyone’s life will end or what tragedy I will face.

This past Sunday our church service included the worship song “Joy”. It’s a wonderful song in so many ways. Words include:

  • There is beauty in my brokenness.
  • I’ve got true love instead of pain.
  • I’ve got joy instead of mourning.
  • You give me joy down deep in my soul.

As I reflect on the events of the week and the words of the song, joy almost feels awkward. Do you, like me, ever struggle with seeing how these words of joy mesh with tragedy and death? Could it be that my worldly view of joy is not the same as the joy I am promised by God? 

When looking up the word joy in Google or in a dictionary, it is likely that the definition will include “an expression of pure happiness” or “having great pleasure”. Responding in this way in the wake of these tragic events seems insulting. 

However, I am comforted as I search the scriptures. This worldly definition of joy is not the deep down joy referenced in the song. God’s joy is not the “huge smile on your face jump up and down” joy. No, what is promised is something so much fulfilling than this.

Psalms 94:19 explains joy in a different way: “When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.”

Romans 12:12 instructs me to: “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

Finally John 15:11 reminds me of the words of Jesus: “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”

Jesus had joy when He walked this earth as He faced trials and challenges including His own horrible death on the cross. 

For me, this joy is a inner satisfaction in knowing that God loves and protects me. Through Christ I know that in the end God will win the war against evil, sadness, pain and tragedy. I know that ultimately I will forever live with God in the Heaven – a place I can’t even comprehend how amazingly magical and fulfilling it will be. It will be there that I will indeed have the “huge smile jumping up and down” joy along with deep down joy forever and always. 

It is in knowing this that I can process and face all of life’s challenges. The struggles and tragedies are bearable only because of the deep joy given to me by Jesus my Savior and friend. 

You too can have this deep joy in Jesus by accepting Him as your Lord and Savior. Want to learn more? Join us at The Church at Seven Run either in person or on-line. Click here for the church website and more details.