
Janelle Webber   -  

I spend a lot of time in the car. Sometimes I pray and other times I sing. I often listen to podcasts. I can listen to podcasts while driving, working out at the gym or doing laundry. There are a plethora of options for topics to which to listen: health, money management, economics, religion, history, you name it…the list is never ending. I often find myself drawn to true crime.

I was not quite sure what intrigued me and brought me to the 20/20 and 48 Hours shows. Over time, I concluded that it is the solving of the cases that is of most interest, especially cold cases. I generally avoid anything this unsolved! 

Listening to these stories gives a clear picture of how depraved a person can be. It demonstrates Satan’s hold on people. It makes it clear that without Christ, people are driven to commit the most awful of acts and demonstrate horrible behaviors. 

One recent podcast really got to me on several levels. The story revolved around a home for trouble teens. The home was portrayed to the parents as a “faith-based” environment that would “correct” the child. Using a “faith-based” facade, it appeared the home was trustworthy and safe. In fact it was anything but trustworthy and it was completely unsafe. It was an environment of torture on many levels. What the residents went through haunted me long after the podcast ended. For many reasons the gentleman that ran the house never faced any earthly accountability. He died before any of the victims voices were listen to and believed.

One evening a few days later, I was on a walk with my dog. As we strolled along the road near the water in our neighborhood it suddenly occurred to me that it just wasn’t fair.  He had “got away with it”. He traumatized youngsters claiming to be a Christ follower. He died and was never punished. I quickly rationalized in my mind that God’s judgement would prevail. But wait, what if he asked for forgiveness before he died…he’d be, well, forgiven facing no punishment ever!! 

This caused me to pause. It literally took my breath away when I realized it was the same for me. I too have not been punished here on earth for my sins against others and against God. I have been forgiven. I will never be punished. I and the man in the story are the same if he too repented to God and asked for forgiveness for his sins. 

I sighed in relief. It is God’s judgment or grace that will prevail for all of us. Paul makes this very clear: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23

We are all offered this same message shared by Peter in the book of Acts. All of us regardless of our actions and depth of our sins are told: “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38

I praise God for this and fully trust that His grace will be given to us all, even to those that seem undeserving…we are all underserving. 

In this we are to be like God through Jesus abundantly giving grace to those we know or observe that seem beyond the realm of receiving God’s grace. It was Jesus that made this clear to us when He said, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34