My Own Understanding

Janelle Webber   -  

Am I living in my own understanding or am I living on God’s heart? This question from a recent Sunday morning sermon jolted me as I pondered just what this question means in general and then more specifically to my life.

I like to think of myself as generally a pretty bright person. I am not a Rhodes Scholar by any means but I did well in school and was once told I did very good on the test I took to secure the job I have today. With that said, I also have my days that I wonder what has happened to my mind as disfunction seems to run rampant,

As I think about “my own understanding” what occurs to me initially is that I get it: God is great and I am not. But that’s not where it can end or should end. As I think further and deeper, I begin to see:

I do not

I can not

I will not

ever here on earth comprehend a true understanding of God.

I can begin in general terms and maybe lay out a fuzzy picture of Him. But then, to consider His heart. This leaves me desperately falling short.

Although this can be frustrating, I am comforted in that I am not the only one who has struggled in understanding. Maybe you do too, maybe others in ministry do also, or maybe the general population does.  I don’t know. What  I do know is some of Jesus’ closest circle of friends while He walked this earth struggled too.

Jesus disciples were hand picked and they spent a significant amount of time with Him. Yet we find they too did not understand. On one occasion we read about in Mark 8:14-21 Jesus said to them more than once, “Do you still not understand?” (vs17 and 21)

These men did life day in and day out with Jesus. As much as I try to live a daily constant walk with Jesus, there is no comparison to the life of these men.

Where does this leave me? Where does that leave us? Why do we all lack understanding? Simply put, we just can’t possibly understand fully. Again, God is great, and we are not. After all He is omnipresent and all-knowing.

God, of course, knows this about us. He doesn’t expect us to fully understand but instead He expects us to have faith in Him and to move closer to Him each day.

We do this by:

  • Praying

  • Reading scripture

  • Studying His words

  • Trusting Him in all things

This leads to taking action:

  • Loving everyone

  • Forgiving others

  • Giving our time

  • Sharing our finances

  • Considering other needs

It’s not easy. It’s a journey you can begin today if you have not yet started it. No matter where you are on this road it will change you in ways you can’t yet imagine as you get to know the heart of God. Join me in leaving behind our own understanding and moving forward in finding the heart of God striving to be able to use Paul’s words to describe our journeys:

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7