The Smile Behind the Mask

Janelle Webber   -  

I recently read about a grocery shopping experience of Jim, one of the writing team members. While Jim was wandering the directional aisles at the Pikesville Giant wondering what the cost of chicken will be this summer, a woman walking the opposite direction (admittedly, he was heading the wrong way) asked, “Are you smiling under your mask?” This gave Jim reason to think, “Am I happy on both the surface and on the inside? Or am I wearing an emotional ‘mask?’” Jim is generally a happy person but he admitted sometimes he wears an emotional mask.

He then went on to say, that in John 10:10, Jesus specifically states He came not only for our salvation but also our happiness: “…I came such that you can have and enjoy your life in abundance, to the full, until it overflows.” As Christians, we can understand that it is God’s actual plan that we be happy…joyful…enjoying the Fruits of the Spirit. Jim’s final advice was, if you find yourself wearing an emotional mask too often, let someone know. Know what? We all wear masks from time to time…you’re not alone.

In a season that none of us ever expected to find ourselves in, it can be a challenge to stay the course and stay positive. Initially we hunkered down and figured out solutions to issues that seems to slam into us from all directions. Everything to finding toilet paper to home schooling children to finding the closest food bank.

Now, the months drag on and we watch the experiences of others and virus numbers throughout the country and the world. We are hoping we are doing the right things to protect others and ourselves. We worry about our choices and our perspectives. Everywhere we turn there are contradicting ideas and opinions and they are all “right.”

Fortunately there is one place we can go and find peace, hope and encouragement. Throughout the Bible God tells us to stay positive, He’s got this! This and every other situation we will encounter in our lifetime.

For me, that message has been a clear guide in dealing with whatever the “debacle of the day.” These are the passages that keep me going:

  • Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know  the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”

  • Matthew 6:26, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”

  • Philippians 4:6, “Do not worry about anything, but instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.”

Equipping myself with these verses and more, has given me the ability to stay positive, at least most of the time! I am still a work in progress.

So, I ask you, is there a real  or an emotional smile behind your face mask? Are going strong and keeping positive? If so, that’s great! Stay the course!

If not, you are not alone. Take some time, ask for God’s guidance and take steps to be positive:

  • Consider joining either a digital or physical Campfire experience at Severn Run this fall. (To subscribe to our church emails click here or follow us on social media to see all available campfire opportunities starting September 2020.)

  • Determine your level of comfort in what you can control during this season. Combat the inner voices of fear and guilt when they tell you you’re not doing enough.

  • Find a new hobby.

  • Allow yourself to schedule rest. Then do something restful and replenishing.

  • Be kind to yourself! Recognize that the season we are in is difficult and it’s ok to struggle from time to time. Give yourself the grace to seek counseling if needed from a local, licensed professional or spiritual advisor.

  • Memorize a Bible verse that reminds you that God loves you and wants to care for you.

Bottomline, this is a challenging time and with God’s help and the help of those around us, we will see this through, the sun will rise on a new day, and the morning will come!!