Finally Stepping into the Water

Janelle Webber   -  

If you look in my jewelry armoire you will find a several cross necklaces. Within that grouping, the crosses vary in size and shape. However there is one special cross. It is small simple silver cross with a thin delicate chain. It means so much more to me than just representing the sacrifice of Jesus; it represents new life, and I wear it often to remind myself.

I stood on stage on a recent Sunday morning as part of the worship team at Severn Run during a celebration of Baptism. I found myself observing a line of people anxiously and nervously waiting for their turn to step into the baptism tub. I was surprised to find my own emotions welling up inside me. The line included adults, children and teens. Each was clad in the church t-shirt depicting new life. As they passed through the tub, each proclaimed who Christ was to them. Words like friend, Savior, mentor and love described the relationships these people shared with Jesus.

As I watched and cheered with the rest of the congregation, tears began to form in the corners of my eyes and they could not be prevented from running down my cheeks. I couldn’t quite understand these feelings of joy for each person being dipped in the water and lifted to new life.

I thought back to the summer of 2004 and my own baptism experience. I had been “baby baptized” as a small child. Although I could not, and still cannot, remember the day or the event I lived on the “I have been baby baptized” statement until I was in my forties. This allowed me a defense to being immersed in water.

That Sunday morning in 2004, I had read my statement of faith in front of the church congregation. It had outlined why I was choosing to be baptized, how Christ had changed my life and that I finally found my true identity in him. I found I was valued and loved. The shame of my past had been wiped away. Through baptism, I would cement that change and announce the new life I had experienced, proclaiming to the world I was a follower of Christ.

That afternoon, as I was dipped in the waters of the St Croix River in Michigan, my friend and senior pastor announced that in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, I was buried to sin and in Christ raised to new life. That day is permanently etched in my mind and that small silver cross in my armoire, given to me that day by mother, is a regular reminder of who I am and who I belong to.

Now I knew why the tears were forming and why my heart was full of joy and excitement as I watched so many enter and exit the tub of water in the sanctuary at Severn Run. I was seeing other Christ followers proclaiming the same for themselves. They too found their place with Christ. They had accepted and clarified in their minds their identity as members of same family – God’s family. We were now all brothers and sisters in Christ, and that brought me to tears of joy.

What is your baptism story? I hope you can relate to and understand all the aspects of the joy of baptism having accepted your identity in the family of God.

If you have not been baptized and you are ready to take the next step of proclaiming your faith, you can sign up to get baptized at Severn Run here.

Maybe your story is different and you’ve not yet come to the fully grasp what is being offered to you. If so and you would like make it your story, you can talk to a Christ following friend or any of the Severn Run church staff. Go to: 

It took me nearly 40 years to finally step into the water. Why did I wait so long? Fear. Being self-conscience. Satan’s lies and more. Finally accepting and understanding my identity in Christ brought me into God’s family then and forever. Will you join me in accepting and proclaiming your place in the family too?