The Ignition Banquet Kicks Off On The Road
On Friday, February 18, over 400 people gathered at the Ignition Banquet in the Worship Center that was transformed into a banquet hall to launch our On The Road capital campaign.
The evening was filled with fun, food, games and great conversation. A meal of salad, rice, chicken and green beans was expertly served by the boys and girls of Club 56 who generously volunteered their time to serve the food and bus the tables.
Pastor John and Bonni Mace hosted a fun game based on The Price is Right where in two rounds five contestants bid on the cost of various items on the Severn Run budget. People were amazed that the yearly toilet paper budget was under $500. Lee Nicholas won the game’s showcase by correctly guessing the monthly budget for the building’s mortgage.
Although the evening was wrought with fun and games and ended with a great time of worship led by the Worship Tribe, the purpose of the evening was to share the vision for the Future of Severn Run.
It is not enough to just be a church; there is a larger purpose—to creatively reveal the love of the Father through the life of the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit to our community until everyone has heard the message of God’s love.
And in order to grow our church community from 1200 to 5000+ disciples, we must first share about Jesus. Second, we must have the kind of space that allows all of those people to have a place to worship, serve and grow. And this is what On The Road is about—to gather the resources to expand ministry and friendships, and to create environments to make room for everyone.
This campaign isn’t just about a building—we are each challenged to give all we can so God can use our investment to reduce our current mortgage, increase our missions and other partnership involvement, reach more people in our community, and plan for future expansion.
There are four specific ways you can get On The Road: Give, Serve, Ask and Pray. When you give an offering (beyond your tithe) designated to On The Road each month for the next two years, you help us get closer to implementing the vision God has given. When you serve by helping with events, or by joining other areas of the On The Road Serve Team, you help make the journey a success. By asking others to help, or inviting them to be a part of Severn Run, you can help others experience the blessing of extravagant giving. And when you pray, you help fuel the journey and guard against mishaps.
And so we ask that you prayerfully consider the role God has for you over the next two years that we are On The Road. Remember that even a small gift is not small at all when you put it into the hands of God.